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2. Pada jaringan Thin Client, terdapat pula perangkat yang sangat penting untuk memberikan interface pada perangkat I/O yang digunakan pengguna yaitu Client I/O module. Modul ini menyediakan port port yang dibutuhkan perangkat I/O untuk terhubung ke formula server pada jaringan laptop. Intermediary Device atau Perangkat Perantara Jaringan merupakan perangkat yang berfungsi memberikan hubungan atau koneksi setiap desktop pengguna. Selain itu, perangkat ini juga berfungsi sebagai pemberi penjaluran dan pengatur lalu lintas data di dalam jaringan laptop. Ada beberapa jenis perangkat intermediary gadget, seperti : swap, router, WLAN access point, dsb. Then at some point, Lord Ludicrous went examination the Councilors and said, “our village is falling apart, we want exam spend exam help vast amount of taxes, even taxes we do not have and start rebuilding our village. ” The Councilors were so inspired by this, they all puzzled why no one had thought-about this beforehand. In front of all the citizens of Tnorf Layor, the Councilors congratulated Lord Ludicrous on his wondrous and insightful imaginative and prescient. The Councilors all exclaimed, “no one but Lord Ludicrous could ever have considered this, all hail the good Lord Ludicrous. ”For this brave and insightful considering, the Councilors bestowed upon Lord Ludicrous more and more titles for him examination be known by. The villagers cried out, “how can one grownup have so many titles and dedicate the time exam every one?This isn’t very possible.
